Thursday, November 29, 2012

Applications Review

I personally enjoyed this site.  I spent a lot of time checking out everything that you could do with a photo and even created an account.  I liked that you could add stickers and animations and also distort the picture.  I edited a few of my own pictures and saved them.  I would recomment this for teachers to use and also for students.  Not something they would use on a daily basis, but maybe for special projects....upload a family pic or someone that they idolize.  Students could create pictures that they use to put on wiki if they are doing a project.  I think this program allows students to use their creativity and I think they would enjoy that.

"ThinkFree Mobile allows the viewing, editing , and sharing of documents, anywhere."  This I like a lot.  I cannot open documents up on my phone so this would help me out tremendously!  I am an itinerant so I travel from school to school all day long.  I don't have time to run to my office between schools, so this application would save me some time.  I haven't put this app on my phone yet, but so far reading about it I would recomment it.  It allows you to open documents for free, but you have to pay ($8.70) for the app that supports editing.  ThinkFree Mobile Print ($14.99) is also something that I would be interested in. It allows you to print pictures, documents and web pages from your phone.  There are some mixed reviews for the Mobile Print.  Some gave it 5 stars, some may have to do a little more investigating before I decide to put it on my phone.  Definitely worth looking into if you're a teacher on the go.  Especially if you are one of those teachers who works even after the work day is over....that's probably all of us. 

Friday, November 16, 2012


I chose to do a teacher page.  I love looking at other teacher pages so I thought it was time to start my own.  I've got a lot more work that I want to do on's taking me some time.  Happy I at least have it started.  When I am satisfied with it I think I will let other teachers and parents know that it exists.  I think adding the links portion is helpful because there is a lot of physical education information out there, but not a lot of adapted physical education news/info.  Excited to start looking for more helpful websites to add.  I added a portion about myself so that parents can get to know me because I usually only see parents once a year at IEP's.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Concept Map

I would have students pair up and give each pair a sport or activity that I would be teaching throughout the year. The students would then research each sport and use concept mapping to give some basic information about the sport...basic skills needed, rules of the game, key terms, whatever they thought was helpful to know about the sport. I would print off all of the concept maps and give each student a handout with all the them in it as a notebook. Students could add to the maps as needed when it came time for that unit.