Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required. This Screencast is to show students how to set up an email account. This would be done in the computer lab. It is a good first day/weeks of school activity. Students would set up accounts through hotmail. The teacher would hand out everyones email addresses on one sheet after everyone set up an account. Each week the teacher would give each student 2-3 people to write to. You would ask them questions and also respond to the questions being asked to you. This would help classmates get to know each other at the start of the school year.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Google Map Activity

View EDT 5410 Map in a larger map Students would create a map of the route they traveled when going trick or treating. This would be after they already went. They would search for the town or area they went trick or treating in and draw on the map their route. They would also mark a starting and finishing point on the map. Students would have to remember places or landmarks they passed along their route and add them to their map (at least 10). They could add friends houses that they passed, or even add places that gave out the best candy. This would have to be explained the day of or before they actually went trick or treating. Students could also document how far they walked. I just think this is something lower/upper elementary kids would really get into. Who does not LOVE to go trick or treating. This map actually took me a long time to do. Younger students may need a lot of help with this. When I made a mistake it was difficult for me to figure out how to fix it. I ended up doing it several times over. Every time I tried to embed it to my blog, my route was altered and I had to keep going back and fixing it...frustrating.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Podcast Sites

This podcast site is all about autism. I listened to a podcast about services for adults with autism. It was about different options that children have once they are out of the school system and also what their options are in the working environment. Helpful website if you have a student with autism in your classroom.  There is also another podcast about using ipads with students with autism that I thought was very interesting.,4615,7-140-37818_45256-287807--,00.html

This is Michigan Department of Education’s video podcast page. The one that I listened to was Mike Flanagan talking about how the beginning of every school year is basically a fresh start and how we are continuously trying to improve and become better teachers.